Emily Rose was born December 23rd, 2003 in Doylestown. She was 7lbs.
Emily was diagnosed with holoprosencephaly, a cephalic disorder, when she was just 9 months old. At first, Emily was put on a feeding tube following her 1st birthday. She endures physical, speech and occupational therapy daily. On top of this she sees several different specialists almost once a week to determine the best type of medication and treatment to better her physical capabilities. Unfortunately this medication and treatment has not shown to be beneficial in any way. Her physical capability is that of a 4 month old child. She is not able to walk, talk, sit or eat on her own let alone play with other children the way a child is supposed to. Emily is now 4 years old.
With help Emily Rose can be given a treatment called Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. HBOT can correct many serious health problems. Hyperbaric Oxygenation helps the body heal from conditions that have low oxygen in the tissues causing or complicating the healing process. Repetitive sessions can help many different conditions including brain injuries, autism, cerebral palsy and epilepsy. This treatment could improve Emily's ability to talk, decrease spasticity, help build muscle tone and may aid in feeding. In lamens terms this could really help Emily's development.
Any person that finds in their heart the willingness to donate to would be extremely valued. Imagine what an amazing 5th birthday present that would be for a loved and beautiful child.